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Measuring and Reporting Circular Economy in Business

This report sets out indicators for the effective measuring and reporting of circular economy in business.
Fact Sheets

Indicators for Measuring and Reporting Circular Economy

This factsheet summarises the conclusions from Business in the Community’s (BITC) research evaluating indicators for effective measurement and reporting of circular economy in business.

Caribbean employees face highest ethnicity pay gap, analysis shows

Fact Sheets

Windrush Generation: employment and socioeconomic factors

Business in the Community (BITC) has been working with the University of Birmingham and Queen Mary University to conduct new analysis into the current employment and socioeconomic factors experienced by the Windrush generation.

The 2000’s

At the close of the 2000s, nearly 30 years since BITC emerged, we remained the leading charity focused on promoting business as a force for good.

The 2010’s

At the close of the 2000s, nearly 30 years since BITC emerged, we remained the leading charity focused on promoting business as a force for good.


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