Nick Payne joined the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) as Chief Financial Officer in November 2022, and his portfolio includes estates, facilities and fleet management, finance and levy collection, commercial and procurement, data, digital and technology, and performance and portfolio management.
Nick also has corporate responsibility for business continuity, environment, social and governance, and health and safety management.
Nick’s priorities are to create an environment for CITB to succeed, and to drive and demonstrate our value and impact for the industry.
Previously, Nick was appointed as the NIO’s first Chief Operating Officer in February 2022, and, in September 2022, Nick led the ceremonial and tributes to Her Late Majesty the Queen, and the Proclamation of His Majesty the King, in Northern Ireland.
Prior to that, Nick has worked in a variety of finance and commercial roles across government, including in defence, business and legal departments, in policing, and the private sector, including in retail, energy, telecoms and transport.
Nick is passionate about leading in responsible businesses and is an advocate for the environment, ED&I, and social value. Joining the East of England Leadership Board has enabled Nick personally and CITB corporately to make a difference in the region jointly and severally with other partner organisations on the Board.