Community Climate Fund - Business in the Community

Community Climate Fund

Changing Lives with Community Climate Action

Join us as a partner and give your business the chance to bring lasting benefit to communities.

Our Community Climate Fund will help businesses and communities come together to tackle both the climate and cost-of-living crisis at the same time. While the issues may seem very different, many of the solutions to the climate crisis such as retrofitting buildings, community food growing and/or energy schemes, will also address the cost-of-living crisis.

Working in 25 places by 2030, we aim to contribute £100m of value to community-led climate action that helps cut carbon, build resilience to economic and environmental shocks and create opportunities for better lives. Accelerating a just transition to a resilient, net zero future is the key to creating lasting success for businesses and communities.

Our Ambition

Accelerate a just transition

Contribute to accelerating the UK’s progress towards net zero and climate resilience, cutting carbon emissions adapting to current and future climate risks.​

Create long-term change in places

Develop a shared vision and action plan that prioritises the issues that matter most to local communities, to improve people’s quality of life in the places where they live and work.

Give voice and agency to communities

Build a community-led approach that puts local people’s voices front and centre, equipping, empowering and supporting  local people to act on their priorities.

Community prosperity and wellbeing

Improve health and wellbeing of people and nature. Tackling root causes of the cost-of-living crisis to build lasting prosperity for better life chances for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Project Opportunities Overview

Based on engagement with communities, archetype projects have been scoped based giving due consideration for ease of implementation, risk, and return on investment. These fall into three broad categories.

Community asset projects

Capital projects to improve communities and deliver climate positive outcomes.​

– Energy efficiency and climate resilience projects

– Repurposing community spaces

– Large scale retrofit and Asset Transfer

Community support projects​

Revenue projects to alleviate the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis and improve wellbeing.

– Shared Resource Libraries

– Repair Cafés 

– Community Gardens

Strategic community projects

Projects to drive long-term transformational change in the local economy.

– Community climate enterprise hubs

– Skills and capabilities for green jobs

– Community energy generation

How can you get involved?

We’re looking for partners who want to accelerate their own just transition journey to support the fund and work with us to build lasting prosperity, changing the lives of millions of people across the UK. To begin, we will be working in two places, Bradford and Tees Valley, but as the fund progresses, we will have more opportunities in other locations across the UK.

Founding Partner

As a founding partner who is with us from the start of our journey, you will have the chance to contribute strategically and lead on workstreams that align with your ambitions.

Place Partner

As a place partner, you will demonstrate your commitment to communities by partnering with us in a specific location.

Resources and Expertise Partner

As a resources and expertise partner you will contribute your time, expertise, goods and services to deliver impact in communities.

Register your interest by completing the below form


There are many benefits for businesses to become a partner of the Community Climate Fund. Whether you choose to become a national partner and work alongside other leading businesses to help achieve a just transition across the UK, or to support a place of particular interest to your business. There will be opportunities to lead and inspire others, share best practice, network, and learn. Becoming a partner is an opportunity to align your ambitions and purpose –  to support a just transition, responding to the economic pressures and environmental crisis that affect our most vulnerable communities. By becoming a partner you will enable community-led action and be able to demonstrate impact – to your employees, customers and wider stakeholders.   

In places we are supporting, we have local people who are well connected amongst the local community. They gain a deep understanding of the needs of the community, through a range of activities including collaborating with local key stakeholders, facilitating  steering groups, convening organisations through events and community conversations, and supporting community organisations. They identify potential projects that align with our goals towards a just transition and work closely with community organisations to make these projects a reality.

BITC’s Community Climate Fund enables community-led climate action in multiple places across the UK. It works in those places to specifically support communities to become more resilient to economic and environmental shocks. By working with and providing financial support to collaborative projects by community organisations we aim to achieve positive impact for the wider communities in these places.