Kevin Davis is Chief Executive Officer of The Vine Trust Group, a pioneering education, employment and empowerment social enterprise. He serves on Business in the Community’s (BITC) West Midlands Leadership Board, following a 2012 Seeing is Believing visit to his, then embryonic, St Matthew’s Education Quarter. The Education Quarter has since matured into a multi-million pound community hub. Kevin has an intrinsic talent for conceptualising and communicating vision to empower consensus across the public, private and third sector for the achievement of common goals.
Kevin is a prolific social entrepreneur, having set up international apprenticeship schemes and three secondary schools. He co-set up The Vine Trust’s Mercian Multi Academy Trust of nine eclectic secondary schools in the West Midlands.
As well as sitting on BITC’s West Midland’s leadership board, Kevin serves his local community as an Economic Inclusion Lead on the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership. He is also non-executive Lead for health inequalities at NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board.