Webinar: Business Response Forum: Manchester Airports Group’s Coronavirus response
Webinar — 8 June 2020
This webinar recording includes a discussion with Adam Freeman, Group Head of CSR, Manchester Airports Group. Despite experiencing a 99% drop in customer numbers during the COVID-19 outbreak, Manchester Airports Group has worked collaboratively with employees and suppliers to unlock support for the communities that surround their sites in Manchester, East Midlands and Stansted. Initiatives include donations of 100,000s of frozen airline meals, community funds and employee volunteering.
More about the webinar
As the challenges facing us from COVID-19 become increasingly clear, there has never been a more important time for BITC to bring our members together.
This webinar is part of the twice weekly series of bespoke webinars for you, our members and partners.
Themes for the webinars include:
* supporting communities
* supporting the health and wellbeing of staff
* supporting small businesses.