Everyday Inclusion: what really works?
This Everyday Inclusion: What Really Works? report, explores the evidence based tactics employers can adopt to create inclusive working cultures where all employees can thrive.
Adopting an inclusive workplace culture
This report from Business in the Community (BITC) reviews the findings of over 60 pieces of academic literature. These pieces have been primarily drawn from ‘in workplace’ research1. It finds there are a number of evidence based tactics employers can adopt to create inclusive working cultures.
Along with the accompanying BITC Briefing paper: Everyday Inclusion, the report translates these findings into a summary of actions. Actions businesses can take to create a fair and inclusive workplace. The research is combined with the knowledge gained through many years of work in this area. Race and gender are a particular focus.
The report includes insight from our members contending with the new normal of a COVID-19 world. A world in which they are striving to build back responsibly.
The report includes:
- the definition of an inclusive workplace culture
- what factors promote inclusive workplaces
- activities that businesses can adapt to promote inclusion
- how to confront non-inclusive behaviour.
Why inclusion is more important than ever
The events of 2020 have thrown a stark light on the divisions that exist between us. Health inequalities of COVID-19. The way in which the economic crisis is impacting more heavily on some than others. Anti-racist protests highlighting ongoing racism. Many are asking how to create a fairer, more equal world.
BITC’s work to support employers to create truly inclusive working cultures where everyone feels included has never been more important. Cultures where employees feel they belong, have a voice, are valued and can be their true selves. Our Everyday Inclusion campaign brings together our work, often focussed on supporting individual groups, such as women and older employees at work, under one umbrella.
Thank you to Kings College London
*The research was conducted by the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, King’s College London and the report was authored by Dr Rose Cook.
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