The Prince’s Seeing is Believing annual programme review 2023
In 2023, Business in the Community’s (BITC) Seeing is Believing visits took over 80 senior business leaders to gain a better understanding of barriers facing communities in places such as Blackpool, Coventry, Lewisham in London, Newport and Sheffield. All supported by BITC’s Place programme. All participants were challenged and inspired to see their businesses from ‘outside in’ and to take meaningful actions to support the communities visited, leading to long-term positive change.

Annual review 2023
The report reveals the actions that participating individuals and their organisations have taken to provide both immediate and long-term support to the communities in Blackpool, Coventry, Lewisham London, Newport and Sheffield as well as reviewing business practices that will help removing barriers to opportunities for many.
Business leaders have committed to:
• Long-term commitment to Place Boards, driving strategic change in a community.
• Financial support to complete vital projects.
• Provide business skills to support community leaders in developing business plans, and funding proposals, and see immediate success as a result.
• Provide premises, resources, volunteers and skills for projects.
• A change of business strategy in terms of location, recruitment and progression, and a renewed determination to target specific Places for apprenticeships and internships to help get more young people into work and training.
About the Prince’s Seeing Is Believing Programme
The Prince’s Seeing is Believing programme, established in 1990 by our founding patron King Charles III, was born from a simple but powerful belief that the best way to close the gap between the boardroom and the community was to take business leaders out to the communities themselves. He understood that the power of the visits was not just in seeing and believing, but also in how to turn that experience into ‘doing’. To date over 25,000 business leaders have taken part in visits, each one designed to show the unique contribution business can make when working in partnership with others on an issue or in a community. By thinking strategically about the implications for their own business the visit gives a different understanding of the long-term impact and benefit that can be delivered for both businesses and communities.
The Prince’s Seeing is Believing programme is made possible with generous support from Salesforce