Why Ban The Box?
Do not take a tick box approach to finding your next new recruit. Remove the criminal record tick box from application forms; ask about candidates’ criminal convictions later. Read Business in the Community’s (BITC) Why Ban the Box factsheet to discover the reasons why your company should Ban the Box.
This campaign calls on UK employers to give people with criminal records, a fair chance to compete for jobs by removing the tick box from application forms and instead asking about criminal convictions later in the recruitment process
Employers often ask candidates about criminal convictions at the initial stage of a job application. If so, people with criminal convictions are excluded from roles for which they may be qualified and capable of doing. Read the Why Ban The Box? factsheet, to find out more about the business benefits of a more inclusive recruitment process.
Sign up to the Ban the Box campaign
Sign up to Business in the Community’s (BITC) Ban the Box campaign to give people with criminal convictions a fair chance to compete for jobs.
Companies that sign up to the commitment:
- Remove any tick box from job application forms that ask about criminal convictions
- Consider applicants’ skills, experience and ability to do the job BEFORE asking about criminal convictions.
- Review their employment processes to ensure that when a candidate discloses a criminal conviction, they are given a full opportunity to explain the situation.
- Ensure that the circumstances of any conviction are fairly assessed against their relevance to and risk within the role before a decision is made.
Make a difference
Find out more about Business in the Community’s (BITC) Ban the Box campaign
*Also visit the National Employment Law Project
Business in the Community is developing a skilled and inclusive workforce.