Tackling the Cost-of-Living Crisis through Climate Action - Business in the Community

Tackling the Cost-of-Living Crisis through Climate Action

This factsheet analyses the findings from a YouGov survey on the relationship between climate change and the cost-of-living crisis. A survey which informed Business in the Community’s (BITC), Our Route to a Net Zero Climate Resilient Future: A Business Manifesto for a Just Transition.

Read this factsheet for an analysis of the findings of the YouGov survey commissioned by Business in the Community (BITC) on the relationship between the climate change and cost-of-living crises. 
This survey also informed Our Route to a Net Zero Climate Resilient Future: A Business Manifesto for a Just Transition published in 2022 that sets out the BITC vision for 2030 – a key milestone for a just transition. Targeting businesses and policymakers, it identifies priority actions for businesses across our Seven Steps for Climate Action and five key areas where policy support is critical.

Climate change and the cost of living

Many of the solutions to the climate crisis will also tackle the cost-of-living crisis and BITC’s Business Manifesto for a Just Transition set out recommendations on how to effectively dovetail approaches to both crises. To inform this, BITC worked with YouGov to understand what the UK public thought about the relationship between the climate crisis and the cost-of-living crisis.

BITC found that half of UK adults believe that if action to address climate change had happened sooner, bills including food, fuel and energy would not be as high as they are today.

Tangible actions towards a just transition

BITC’s manifesto explores and provides tangible actions for businesses to reach the ambition of a just transition. A transition for a fair and inclusive journey to a net zero, resilient future where people and nature thrive.

The actions Business in the Community has taken

In collaboration with hundreds of leaders from business, community groups and government, we have identified the key actions to deliver a future where both the businesses and the communities they serve can thrive.

At COP26 we launched the Seven Steps for Climate Action to support businesses to plan for a just transition. We have since supported our members to set robust net zero targets and involved more than 100 business leaders in innovation sprints to enable this through building the skills needed for the transition; designing and delivering plans with diverse stakeholders; and embracing a circular economy.