Executive Insights from the Race at Work Charter - Business in the Community
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Executive Insights from the Race at Work Charter

Mar 21
Date and time
Thu, 21 March  @  09:30  -  10:30
Free of charge
Online webinar
Open to BITC members and non-members
Reserve your place

Thu, 21 March 2024  @  09:30  –  10:30

Join this event to learn how you can get involved with our exciting Leadership, Employee and Procurement survey in collaboration with YouGov.


This event is open to members and non-members of Business in the Community (BITC). The event is designed to benefit those who have completed the Race at Work Charter survey and/ or signed the Race At Work Charter, or are considering signing the charter.


Executive Sponsors for race provide visible leadership on race and ethnicity in their organisations. They drive actions such as setting targets for ethnically diverse representation, briefing recruitment agencies and supporting mentorship and sponsorship.

The Race at Work 2018: The Scorecard Report, which looked at how UK employers were performing against the recommendations outlined in the Race in the workplace: The McGregor-Smith Review, reported that 33% of employees have no executive sponsor for race and in 2021 we found in The Scorecard Report that this had increased to 44%.*

In 2023, The Race at Work Charter employer survey, reported 95% of employers have an executive sponsor for race and 88% have an advisory group to support the sponsor to bring the actions and commitments to life.

About this event

We will be launching our exciting Leadership, Employee, and Procurement survey in collaboration with YouGov. Join us and find out how you can get involved.

This event aims to lift up the insights from the Race at Work Charter 2023 Commitment One on leadership and executive sponsors for race and impactful employee network chairs within organisations.

This event is designed to explore the story behind these themes and hear stories of impact from senior executive sponsors for race and from Employee Network Chairs within organisations.

We will also be launching the Thematic Review Report, ‘Voices from Race at Work 2015, 2018 and 2021’. Sandra Kerr CBE will be sharing the calls to action and Professor Nelarine and Dr Chidozie will be talking about some of the insights and the important role of senior leaders to impact change.

Agenda/outline of the event

Welcome and Intro

Hear from BITC Race Equality Director, Sandra Kerr CBE, who will share insights about executive sponsors, advisory groups, and disparity with supply chain executives. We will then go on to talk about the upcoming national survey on workplace, leadership and procurement following the Race at Work Charter Survey’s low scores on Commitment 7.

A conversation with executive sponsors on race

A panel of senior executive sponsors on race in the workplace will talk about what enables them to make impact within their organisation. Alongside examples of how they have done this, they will cover:

  • What recommendations they would give to other leaders.
  • What recommendations they would give to network leads.
  • The role of an advisory group and how it supports them to lead effectively.

A conversation with network chairs on race and ethnicity

A panel of employee network chairs on race in the workplace will talk about what enables them to make impact within their organisations. They will cover:

  • Access to the right data and evidence.
  • Importance of a strong connection with their executive sponsor, network organisation, HR teams, and EDI leads.
  • Examples of leadership team willingness to listen and take action, and the results of this.
  • How much influence the advisory group has and if there is the scope to give them additional influence.


Sandra Kerr CBE will summarise and close, and share details of the upcoming Inclusive Supply Chain Survey with YouGov.


Booking, contact details and further information

  • Full joining instructions will be sent before the event.

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Thu, 21 March 2024
09:30 – 10:30
Free of charge
Event Category:
Event Tags:


Open to BITC members and non-members