Partnerships in Place: the business of levelling up
Partnerships in Place: the business of levelling up, contains key findings and recommendations providing practical guidance to business, national and local government and existing place-based partnerships.
The report is a blueprint and aid to businesses, local and central government and the third sector. It will help realise the delivery of the ‘how’ of place regeneration and the levelling up agenda for the private sector. It spells out the foundations that are needed, both nationally and locally, to truly transform communities. The observations in Partnerships in Place: the business of levelling up will speak to businesses looking to make a difference, civil society organisations wanting to understand how the support of the private sector can be harnessed, and government at all levels who are seeking to cultivate the community capital in the many places that are waiting to be re-energised by place-based partnerships.

About Partnerships in Place: the business of levelling up
In August 2021, Business in the Community’s (BITC) Place Taskforce launched a call for evidence into the role business can play in improving social outcomes across the country.
A variety of themes were explored, from what motivates business to engage in place-based regeneration, what barriers exist, and how local authorities and national government can work with business to encourage engagement. These were consolidated into the four key findings and 14 recommendations contained in this report.
This report is a blueprint and aid to businesses, local and central government and the third sector. At BITC, our simple ask to government at all levels is: look at what works, use our model based on leadership, convening and collaboration, and then let the talents of our sector to help transform communities and provide opportunity for all across our nation.
Report structure
Partnerships in Place: the business of levelling up covers three areas:
- Situation report
A review of the contemporary context that a place-based approach sits within. This is to identify government and policy recommendations that if enacted would create an environment conducive to place-based regeneration.
Questions addressed include: What kind of business tax incentives can be introduced to turbocharge levelling up? How does funding for development agencies need to improve? Does devolution offer any lessons on place-based working? - A blueprint for business engagement
This section contains advice for a systematic approach to collaborative place-based regeneration. It identifies best practice from the experiences of organisations that initiated place-based approaches in partnerships in various places with differing levels of success. It contains tools and techniques that worked or are needed for effective place-based regeneration to work.
The section addresses questions including: How do we select a place to target? How do we measure success? How should we organise a place-based partnership? What key personnel are needed in a partnership? - Roles in place-based partnerships
Analysing the thematic areas that partners from different sectors are best suited to adopt in a place-based partnership. The last section looks at how partners can play different roles in partnerships to play to their strengths and support each other through a division of labour in place-based partnerships.
Content in the report addresses questions including: What can my business offer to the partnership? What areas should the local government convene partners on? How can sports clubs and universities offer unique strengths to partnerships?
Download Partnerships in Place: the business of levelling up to learn more.


Business in the Community is building thriving communities