David Alexander - Business in the Community

David Alexander


Rednock School
Education Taskforce

David Alexander is fortunate to be in his 19th year as Head of Rednock School in Gloucestershire. He believes education is the gateway to a better life especially for the disadvantaged amongst us. He was a free school meal child and that shaped his passion for getting the best for every child irrespective of their background. Part of that passion is to create a learning environment where children can succeed in life. David believes that skills are critical to this aspiration and that application of those skills is critical to the success of the workforce which will make a robust society and economy.  

Business in the Community (BITC) has enabled him to demonstrate the link between education and the world of work. However, he believes there needs to be sharper and more focused communication between the two sectors if we are to inspire the next generation in the global market. He says this is an imperative which we need to push as leaders.