Health and Wellbeing at Work Summary Toolkit
This toolkit focusing on health and wellbeing at work provides practical, evidence-based guidance on how employers can support their employees to improve the health and wellbeing of their workforce. The toolkit represents a summary of the previous eight toolkits developed by Business in the Community in collaboration with Public Health England (PHE).
The suite of toolkits consolidates the best evidence, employer practice and freely available resources and takes a whole person, whole organisation approach to mental and physical wellbeing. Mental health is a theme that runs throughout the suite.
Find out more and download the individual toolkits.
- Crisis Management in the Event of a Suicide
- Domestic Abuse Toolkit
- Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco: A Toolkit For Employers
- Mental Health in the Workplace
- Musculosketal Health (MSK) Toolkit For Employers
- Physical Activity, Healthy Eating and Healthier Weight: A Toolkit For Employers
- Reducing the Risk of Suicide
- Sleep and Recovery Toolkit
Responding to business
We have produced this Health and Wellbeing at Work Summary toolkit in response to the Work Foundation’s evaluation of our suite of employer toolkits1. The evaluation showed that businesses wanted a general, overarching toolkit to draw out the common themes across the suite.
Why the health and wellbeing of employees is important.
Protecting and improving the health and wellbeing of employees is critical to the health and economic wellbeing of our population. Especially as the impact of COVID-19 becomes more apparent. Working adults spend on average one-third of their waking hours at work, so naturally, the workplace is a key setting to improve population health. Evidence shows that healthy employees drive a healthy business through reduced sickness absence, less turnover and increased productivity.
BITC is the oldest and largest business-led membership organisation dedicated to responsible business. The aim of BITC’s wellbeing campaign is to create environments where individuals and organisations can be their best.
We hope that employers can use this overarching health and wellbeing toolkit, alongside the suite of PHE-BITC employer toolkits, and that it provides real benefit to the health of your staff.
Business in the Community is creating a
skilled and inclusive workforce for today and tomorrow.

together we can be a force for good